Joachim Burghartz is the director of the Institut für Mikroelektronik Stuttgart (IMS Chips) and the former director of Dimes at Delft University of Technology.


Back in school

Reading time: 3 minutes

I’m back in school thanks to corona. I’m attending live lectures in biology, medicine, pharmacy, statistics, law, psychology, social sciences, public media, material sciences and more. Why? Because our freedom is currently severely impacted by precautionary measures imposed by our political leadership. Those measures are based on figures and numbers. As an engineer, I feel obligated to verify those. I looked at some of those figures in Germany. They raised questions, which I’d like to share with the readers of Bits&Chips.

Let’s take a look at the corona app. After its release in June, about 17.5 million Germans downloaded it, or 20 percent of the German population, when not considering multiple downloads. Beware, these are just downloads; it’s not actual usage. While the German Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) doesn’t publish about that, we know from the similar Swisscovid app that only about 60 percent of the downloads is being used. This lowers the number of likely corona app users in Germany to 12 percent.

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