
Global integrated-photonics roadmap updated

Paul van Gerven
Reading time: 2 minutes

More than 400 technology, academic and industrial organizations from around the world have presented a new integrated-photonics roadmap. Coordinated by Photondelta and the Microphotonics Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Integrated Photonics System Roadmap – International (IPSR-I) identifies technology gaps standing in the way of volume manufacturing of photonic integrated circuits and provides a detailed analysis of the challenges that the integrated-photonics industry needs to overcome to achieve its potential.

Credit: Ayar Labs

The integration of photonics with electronics is highlighted as a priority. “Electronic-photonic integration has the capacity to radically transform a whole host of industries and unlock a range of new technologies that will change our lives. Transitioning this vision to high-volume manufacturing requires a well-thought-out plan built on the knowledge of a huge range of experts across different fields, organizations and nations. This is what IPSR-I has achieved – it outlines a clear way forward and specifies an innovative learning curve for scaling performance and applications for the next 15 years,” MIT’s Lionel Kimerling comments.

CTO Peter van Arkel of Photondelta adds: “Getting all research and development resources of the integrated-photonics industry and academia behind solving the technological gaps identified by the IPSR-I will contribute to solving the large societal challenges in a spectacular manner. At the heart of the roadmap is a global approach for the integrated-photonics industry to rally behind to meet core challenges. Reaching a consensus on these technological gaps has been very challenging with such a diverse group of contributors. Looking at the results, it has definitely been worth it.”

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