
Philips launches Nightbalance sleep position therapy device

Jessica Vermeer
Reading time: 1 minute

Philips has announced the commercial launch of Nightbalance, a prescription sleep position therapy device designed for patients with positional obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The clinically validated solution uses gentle vibrations to encourage users to alter their sleeping positions in order to prevent apneas. The technology features wireless connectivity and an app that monitors product use and provides cloud access to the data.

Originally a spin-off from Delft University of Technology, Nightbalance was bought by Philips in 2018 (link in Dutch). Once acquired, the company was dismantled and its technology was transferred to Pittsburgh, where the R&D and sales center for Philips’ Respironics sleeping disorder solutions is located. After further development and validation, the Nightbalance device is now ready for the market.

Over 100 million people worldwide suffer from OSA, of which an estimated 36 to 47 percent suffers from the positional variant. Without treatment, the condition can cause poor sleep and fatigue, affecting the patient’s quality of life. Multiple clinical studies have shown that Philips Nightbalance offers an effective, non-invasive treatment for positional OSA patients. It was found to be easier to use and adjust and more comfortable than alternative therapy methods.

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