
Dutch quantum startups get access to 13.6 billion investment capital

Paul van Gerven
Reading time: 1 minute

Quantum Delta NL has launched Lightspeed, a program to provide Dutch quantum startups tailored assistance in business and financing matters and to connect them with 13.6 billion euros in investment capital from European and US funds. “Building a business ecosystem is an important pillar of the Quantum Delta NL program. We want the scientific knowledge that’s being developed in our quantum labs to also lead to new business activity within the Netherlands and Europe. Because of Lightspeed, promising initiatives receive an unprecedented acceleration to scale their idea into a startup or scale-up,” says Freeke Heijman, director of Quantum Delta NL.

Quantum Delta NL is a public-private partnership of tech companies, government agencies and all major quantum research centers in the Netherlands. It was launched in 2020 to coordinate and execute the Netherlands’ National Agenda for Quantum Technology, aiming to create a thriving Dutch ecosystem for quantum technology. The Dutch government recently awarded the organization 615 million euros in funding.

Currently, there are seven quantum startups in the Netherlands. Quantum Delta NL wants this number to grow to 100 by 2028. According to McKinsey, the Dutch ambition will raise the Dutch GPD by 5-7 billion euros and create 30,000 jobs.

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